Competitions & Freebies

We don't currently have any Competitions & Freebies offers or coupons. Check back soon!
Can I enter international competitions?
Yes! As long as the retailer allows for international entries, you can.
Do I have to pay to enter competitions?
Not a cent!
Can I enter the same competition more than once?
That depends on the Terms and Conditions of the competition. Some might allow multiple entries whilst others may not.
Do I need something specific to enter a competition/giveaway?
That depends on the retailer hosting the giveaway/competition. Keep your eyes peeled for the Terms and Conditions.
How do I know if I've won?
You'll know you've won when the hosts of the giveaway/competition contact you using the information you provided them. They'll either call or email to let you know you're a winner!
Should you choose to enter competitions and giveaways from the comfort of your home online, here are some tips and tricks to make sure you do so safely, securely and smartly:
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