What is Liforme payment method?
Liforme accepts all major Credit/Debit Card and PayPal.
Where does Liforme ship?
Liforme ships within selected countries provided during checkout.
When will my order be dispatched?
They aim to get your mat to you as quickly as possible. Their warehouse teams process all online orders from Monday to Friday and we aim to dispatch within 1 working day of purchase. Orders placed on a Saturday or a Sunday will be dispatched on Monday or the next working day. To ensure delivery within the specified time frame, orders must be placed by 3 pm UK time.
Is there a warranty on Liforme products?
The lifespan of the Liforme mats can depend on several factors such as how often your mat is used, how intense your practice is, how you care for your mat and so on. Theyโre confident all their mats will last a good amount of time, and provide great value for their customers.
Can I return my order?
Should you be unhappy with any part of your order, they would be more than happy to help you and they encourage you to contact them immediately. Liforme is committed to doing everything they can to resolve the situation to your satisfaction.